Phoenix  (detail)  Furniture, fire, gold leaf, wood and water  Installation at Coos Art Museum  2015
  Phoenix   Furniture, fire, gold leaf, wood, and water  Installation at the Coos Art Museum  2015
  Ghosts   Serigraphy on chiffon fabric  2015
  Collapse   Schist Portuguese rocks and gold leaf  2015
  Fragile  (Collaboration with Sabrina Casadei)  Mixed Media Installation at Le Couvent, Auzits, France  2014   
  Mourning the Ephemeral   Burned furniture, charcoal, ashes and cast glass  Installation at Tacoma Art Museum  2012
 Of Recollection and Collection  Mixed media interactive installation at Form/Space Atelier, Seattle, WA  2012
  Memento Mori: Memory and Memorial   Serigraphy on gampi silk tissue paper and lights  2013
  Echo   Relief print pulled from bedroom floor in abandoned house on mulberry paper  Installation at 1078 Gallery, Chico, CA
  89352 Old Coburg Road   Antique jars, collected artifacts from abandoned house  2013
  89352 Old Coburg Road  (detail)  Antique jars, collected artifacts from abandoned house  2013
  89352 Old Coburg Road  (detail)  Antique jars, collected artifacts from abandoned house  2013
  Scarlet II   Mixed media installation with relief prints  Janet Turner Print Museum, Chico, CA  2012
  Out of the Embers   Mixed media installation at the Telephone Room Gallery, Tacoma, WA  2012
  Scarlet   Mixed media installation with relief prints  2011
  Andiamo al Campo  (Collaboration with Emilee Booher)  Relief prints and serigraphy on Arches and Rives BFK  2010
  (De)Constructing Memory   Serigraphs on paper and mylar, hangers, closet rod  2011

Phoenix (detail)

Furniture, fire, gold leaf, wood and water

Installation at Coos Art Museum



Furniture, fire, gold leaf, wood, and water

Installation at the Coos Art Museum



Serigraphy on chiffon fabric



Schist Portuguese rocks and gold leaf


Fragile (Collaboration with Sabrina Casadei)

Mixed Media Installation at Le Couvent, Auzits, France



Mourning the Ephemeral

Burned furniture, charcoal, ashes and cast glass

Installation at Tacoma Art Museum


Of Recollection and Collection

Mixed media interactive installation at Form/Space Atelier, Seattle, WA


Memento Mori: Memory and Memorial

Serigraphy on gampi silk tissue paper and lights



Relief print pulled from bedroom floor in abandoned house on mulberry paper

Installation at 1078 Gallery, Chico, CA

89352 Old Coburg Road

Antique jars, collected artifacts from abandoned house


89352 Old Coburg Road (detail)

Antique jars, collected artifacts from abandoned house


89352 Old Coburg Road (detail)

Antique jars, collected artifacts from abandoned house


Scarlet II

Mixed media installation with relief prints

Janet Turner Print Museum, Chico, CA


Out of the Embers

Mixed media installation at the Telephone Room Gallery, Tacoma, WA



Mixed media installation with relief prints


Andiamo al Campo (Collaboration with Emilee Booher)

Relief prints and serigraphy on Arches and Rives BFK


(De)Constructing Memory

Serigraphs on paper and mylar, hangers, closet rod


show thumbnails